API How-To
- Fetch frame width, height, bytes-per-pixel and stride in bytes
- Fetch frame time-stamp and per-frame metadata
- Get color aligned to depth and vice-versa
Get first RealSense device
- librealsense1:
rs::context ctx;
if (ctx.get_device_count() == 0)
throw std::runtime_error("No device detected. Is it plugged in?");
rs::device & dev = *ctx.get_device(0);
- librealsense2:
rs2::context ctx;
auto list = ctx.query_devices(); // Get a snapshot of currently connected devices
if (list.size() == 0)
throw std::runtime_error("No device detected. Is it plugged in?");
rs2::device dev = list.front();
Start Streaming with Default Configuration
- librealsense1:
rs::context ctx;
rs::device & dev = *ctx.get_device(0);
dev.enable_stream(rs::stream::color, rs::preset::best_quality);
dev.enable_stream(rs::stream::depth, rs::preset::best_quality);
- librealsense2:
rs2::pipeline pipe;
Start Streaming Left and Right Infrared Imagers
- librealsense1:
rs::context ctx;
rs::device & dev = *ctx.get_device(0);
dev.enable_stream(rs::stream::infrared, rs::preset::best_quality);
dev.enable_stream(rs::stream::infrared2, rs::preset::best_quality);
- librealsense2:
rs2::config cfg;
cfg.enable_stream(RS2_STREAM_INFRARED, 1);
cfg.enable_stream(RS2_STREAM_INFRARED, 2);
rs2::pipeline pipe;
Wait for Coherent Set of Frames
- librealsense1:
rs::context ctx;
rs::device & dev = *ctx.get_device(0);
dev.enable_stream(rs::stream::color, rs::preset::best_quality);
dev.enable_stream(rs::stream::depth, rs::preset::best_quality);
dev.get_frame_data(rs::stream::depth); // Pointer to depth pixels,
// invalidated by next call to wait/poll for frames
- librealsense2:
rs2::pipeline pipe;
rs2::frameset frames = pipe.wait_for_frames();
rs2::frame frame = frames.first(RS2_STREAM_DEPTH);
if (frame)
frame.get_data(); // Pointer to depth pixels,
// invalidated when last copy of frame goes out of scope
Poll for Frames
- librealsense1:
rs::context ctx;
rs::device & dev = *ctx.get_device(0);
dev.enable_stream(rs::stream::color, rs::preset::best_quality);
dev.enable_stream(rs::stream::depth, rs::preset::best_quality);
if (dev.poll_for_frames())
- librealsense2:
rs2::pipeline pipe;
rs2::frameset frames;
if (pipe.poll_for_frames(&frames))
rs2::frame depth_frame = frames.first(RS2_STREAM_DEPTH);
Do Processing on a Background-Thread
- librealsense1:
rs::context ctx;
rs::device & dev = *ctx.get_device(0);
dev.enable_stream(rs::stream::depth, rs::preset::best_quality);
std::mutex m;
std::deque<std::vector<uint8_t>> queue;
std::thread t([&]() {
while (true)
std::vector<uint8_t> frame_copy;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m);
frame_copy = queue.front();
// Do processing on the frame
while (true)
const auto stream = rs::stream::depth;
const auto CAPACITY = 5; // allow max latency of 5 frames
uint8_t bytes_per_pixel = 1;
switch (dev.get_stream_format(stream))
case rs::format::raw8:
case rs::format::y8:
bytes_per_pixel = 1;
case rs::format::z16:
case rs::format::disparity16:
case rs::format::yuyv:
case rs::format::y16:
case rs::format::raw10:
case rs::format::raw16:
bytes_per_pixel = 2;
case rs::format::rgb8:
case rs::format::bgr8:
bytes_per_pixel = 3;
case rs::format::rgba8:
case rs::format::bgra8:
case rs::format::xyz32f:
bytes_per_pixel = 4;
auto ptr = (uint8_t*)dev.get_frame_data(rs::stream::depth);
std::vector<uint8_t> frame_copy( // Deep-copy the frame data
ptr, ptr + dev.get_stream_width(stream) *
dev.get_stream_height(stream) *
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m);
if (queue.size() < CAPACITY)
- librealsense2:
rs2::pipeline pipe;
const auto CAPACITY = 5; // allow max latency of 5 frames
rs2::frame_queue queue(CAPACITY);
std::thread t([&]() {
while (true)
rs2::depth_frame frame;
if (queue.poll_for_frame(&frame))
// Do processing on the frame
while (true)
auto frames = pipe.wait_for_frames();
Get and Apply Depth-to-Color Extrinsics
- librealsense1:
rs::context ctx;
rs::device & dev = *ctx.get_device(0);
dev.enable_stream(rs::stream::color, rs::preset::best_quality);
dev.enable_stream(rs::stream::depth, rs::preset::best_quality);
rs::extrinsics e = dev.get_extrinsics(rs::stream::depth, rs::stream::color);
// Apply extrinsics to the origin
auto color_point = e.transform({ 0.f, 0.f, 0.f });
- librealsense2:
rs2::pipeline pipe;
rs2::pipeline_profile selection = pipe.start();
auto depth_stream = selection.get_stream(RS2_STREAM_DEPTH);
auto color_stream = selection.get_stream(RS2_STREAM_COLOR);
rs2_extrinsics e = depth_stream.get_extrinsics_to(color_stream);
// Apply extrinsics to the origin
float origin[3] { 0.f, 0.f, 0.f };
float target[3];
rs2_transform_point_to_point(target, &e, origin);
Get Disparity Baseline
- librealsense1:
rs::context ctx;
rs::device & dev = *ctx.get_device(0);
dev.enable_stream(rs::stream::infrared, rs::preset::best_quality);
dev.enable_stream(rs::stream::infrared2, rs::preset::best_quality);
rs_extrinsics e = dev.get_extrinsics(rs::stream::infrared, rs::stream::infrared2);
auto baseline = e.translation[0];
- librealsense2:
rs2::config cfg;
cfg.enable_stream(RS2_STREAM_INFRARED, 1);
cfg.enable_stream(RS2_STREAM_INFRARED, 2);
rs2::pipeline pipe;
rs2::pipeline_profile selection = pipe.start(cfg);
auto ir1_stream = selection.get_stream(RS2_STREAM_INFRARED, 1);
auto ir2_stream = selection.get_stream(RS2_STREAM_INFRARED, 2);
rs2_extrinsics e = ir1_stream.get_extrinsics_to(ir2_stream);
auto baseline = e.translation[0];
Get Video Stream Intrinsics
- librealsense1:
rs::context ctx;
rs::device & dev = *ctx.get_device(0);
dev.enable_stream(rs::stream::infrared, rs::preset::best_quality);
dev.enable_stream(rs::stream::infrared2, rs::preset::best_quality);
rs::intrinsics i = dev.get_stream_intrinsics(rs::stream::depth);
auto principal_point = std::make_pair(i.ppx, i.ppy);
auto focal_length = std::make_pair(i.fx, i.fy);
auto resolution = std::make_pair(i.width, i.height);
rs_distortion model = i.model;
- librealsense2:
rs2::pipeline pipe;
rs2::pipeline_profile selection = pipe.start();
auto depth_stream = selection.get_stream(RS2_STREAM_DEPTH)
auto resolution = std::make_pair(depth_stream.width(), depth_stream.height());
auto i = depth_stream.get_intrinsics();
auto principal_point = std::make_pair(i.ppx, i.ppy);
auto focal_length = std::make_pair(i.fx, i.fy);
rs2_distortion model = i.model;
Get Field of View
- librealsense1:
rs::context ctx;
rs::device & dev = *ctx.get_device(0);
dev.enable_stream(rs::stream::infrared, rs::preset::best_quality);
dev.enable_stream(rs::stream::infrared2, rs::preset::best_quality);
rs::intrinsics i = dev.get_stream_intrinsics(rs::stream::depth);
float fov[2] = { i.hfov, i.vfov };
- librealsense2:
rs2::pipeline pipe;
rs2::pipeline_profile selection = pipe.start();
auto depth_stream = selection.get_stream(RS2_STREAM_DEPTH)
auto i = depth_stream.get_intrinsics();
float fov[2]; // X, Y fov
rs2_fov(&i, fov);
Get Depth Units
- librealsense1:
rs::context ctx;
rs::device & dev = *ctx.get_device(0);
dev.enable_stream(rs::stream::infrared, rs::preset::best_quality);
dev.enable_stream(rs::stream::infrared2, rs::preset::best_quality);
auto scale = dev.get_depth_scale();
- librealsense2:
rs2::pipeline pipe;
rs2::pipeline_profile selection = pipe.start();
// Find first depth sensor (devices can have zero or more then one)
auto sensor = selection.get_device().first<rs2::depth_sensor>();
auto scale = sensor.get_depth_scale();
Controlling the Laser
- librealsense1:
rs::context ctx;
rs::device & dev = *ctx.get_device(0);
if (dev.supports_option(rs::option::r200_emitter_enabled)) // For R200 family
dev.set_option(rs::option::r200_emitter_enabled, 1.f); // Enable laser emitter
dev.set_option(rs::option::r200_emitter_enabled, 0.f); // Disable laser
if (dev.supports_option(rs::option::f200_laser_power)) // For F200 and SR300
double min, max, step; // Query min and max values:
dev.get_option_range(rs::option::f200_laser_power, min, max, step);
dev.set_option(rs::option::f200_laser_power, max); // Enable laser (max power)
dev.set_option(rs::option::f200_laser_power, 0.f); // Disable laser emitter
- librealsense2:
rs2::pipeline pipe;
rs2::pipeline_profile selection = pipe.start();
rs2::device selected_device = selection.get_device();
auto depth_sensor = selected_device.first<rs2::depth_sensor>();
if (depth_sensor.supports(RS2_OPTION_EMITTER_ENABLED))
depth_sensor.set_option(RS2_OPTION_EMITTER_ENABLED, 1.f); // Enable emitter
depth_sensor.set_option(RS2_OPTION_EMITTER_ENABLED, 0.f); // Disable emitter
if (depth_sensor.supports(RS2_OPTION_LASER_POWER))
// Query min and max values:
auto range = depth_sensor.get_option_range(RS2_OPTION_LASER_POWER);
depth_sensor.set_option(RS2_OPTION_LASER_POWER, range.max); // Set max power
depth_sensor.set_option(RS2_OPTION_LASER_POWER, 0.f); // Disable laser
Updated about 6 years ago