rs-pose Sample
In order to run this example, a device supporting pose stream (T265) is required.
This sample demonstrates how to obtain pose data from a T265 device.
Expected Output
The application should open a window in which it prints the current x, y, z values of the device position relative to the initial position.
Code Overview
First, we include the Intel® RealSense™ Cross-Platform API.
All but advanced functionality is provided through a single header:
#include <librealsense2/rs.hpp> // Include RealSense Cross Platform API
We declare the pipeline and configure it with RS2_STREAM_POSE
. Then, we start the pipeline.
// Declare RealSense pipeline, encapsulating the actual device and sensors
rs2::pipeline pipe;
// Create a configuration for configuring the pipeline with a non default profile
rs2::config cfg;
// Add pose stream
cfg.enable_stream(RS2_STREAM_POSE, RS2_FORMAT_6DOF);
// Start pipeline with chosen configuration
In each iteration, while the application is alive, we wait for new frames from the camera. From the frameset that arrives we get the frame of RS2_STREAM_POSE
// Main loop
while (true)
// Wait for the next set of frames from the camera
auto frames = pipe.wait_for_frames();
// Get a frame from the pose stream
auto f = frames.first_or_default(RS2_STREAM_POSE);
We cast the frame that arrives to `pose_frame` in order to access its `pose_data`.
// Cast the frame to pose_frame and get its data
auto pose_data =<rs2::pose_frame>().get_pose_data();
Once we have pose_data
, we can query information on the camera position and movement:
- Translation (in meters, relative to initial position)
- Velocity (in meter/sec)
- Rotation (as represented in quaternion rotation, relative to initial position)
- Angular velocity (in radians/sec)
- Angular acceleration (in radians/sec^2)
- Tracker confidence (pose data confidence 0x0 - Failed, 0x1 - Low, 0x2 - Medium, 0x3 - High)
- Mapper confidence (pose data confidence 0x0 - Failed, 0x1 - Low, 0x2 - Medium, 0x3 - High)
In this example, we obtain the translation data and print it to the console.
// Print the x, y, z values of the translation, relative to initial position
std::cout << "\r" << "Device Position: " << std::setprecision(3) << std::fixed << pose_data.translation.x << " " <<
pose_data.translation.y << " " << pose_data.translation.z << " (meters)";
Updated over 5 years ago