Installation Guidelines

Please refer to installation guideline at Python Installation

Building from Source

Please refer to the instructions at Building from Source

List of Examples

These Examples demonstrate how to use the python wrapper of the SDK.

Sample code source code is available on GitHub
For full Python library documentation please refer to module-pyrealsense2

# ExampleDescriptionCamera/SKULink to GitHub
1Streaming DepthThis example demonstrates how to start streaming depth frames from the camera and display the image in the console as an ASCII art.D400/L500python-tutorial-1-depth
2Rendering depth and color with OpenCV and NumpyThis example demonstrates how to render depth and color images using the help of OpenCV and NumpyD400/L500opencv_viewer_example
3Align & Background RemovalDemonstrate a way of performing background removal by aligning depth images to color images and performing simple calculation to strip the background.D400/L500align-depth2color
4Advanced ModeExample of the advanced mode interface for controlling different options of the D400 ??? camerasD400advanced-mode-example
5Read Bag FileExample on how to read bag file and use colorizer to show recorded depth stream in jet colormap.D400/L500read_bag_example
6Export Point Cloud to PLYThis example shows how to export pointcloud to ply format fileD400/
7Frame Queue managementThis example shows How to manage frame queues to avoid frame drops when multi streamingD400/L515frame_queue_example
8Box measurement and multi-cameras CalibrationSimple demonstration for calculating the length, width and height of an object using multiple cameras.D400box_dimensioner_multicam_demo

  • See more info here

9Self Calibration: On Chip + TareThis example Demonstrates how to run On Chip calibration and TareD400depth_auto_calibration_example
10Pose (basic)Demonstrates how to retrieve pose data from a T265 cameraT265T265_example
11Coordinate systemThis example shows how to change coordinate systems of a T265 poseT265T265_rpy
12Sparse Stereo Depth (FishEye Passive)This example shows how to use T265 intrinsics and extrinsics in OpenCV to asynchronously compute depth maps from T265 fisheye images on the host.T265T265_stereo
13T265 Wheel OdometryThis example shows how to fuse wheel odometry measurements on the T265 tracking cameraT265265_wheel_odometry
14Stream over EthernetThis example shows how to stream depth data from RealSense depth cameras over ethernet.
It includes Ethernet client and server using python's Asyncore.
15PointCloud with OpenCVThis sample is mostly for demonstration and educational purposes.
It really doesn't offer the quality or performance that can be
achieved with hardware acceleration.
16PointCloud with PyGletOpenGL Pointcloud viewer with http://pyglet.orgD400/L500pyglet_pointcloud_viewer
17TensorFlow Machine LearningTutorial showing how TensorFlow-based machine learning can be applied with Intel RealSense Depth Cameras.D400TensorFlow with Intel RealSense Cameras

Interactive Examples

  1. Distance to Object - This notebook offers a quick hands-on introduction to Intel RealSense Depth-Sensing technology. Please refer to Distance to Object for further information. Click to experience Binder
  2. Depth Filters - This notebook is intended to showcase effect of post processing filters. Please refer to Depth Filters for further information. Click to experience Binder