Skeleton Tracking SDK Installation guide


Full version of the Getting Started guide is currently available only in PDF version.

1. System Requirements

For Windows based operating systems
– OS: Windows 10
– C++: Microsoft Visual Studio 2017 (recommended 15.8)
– C#: Microsoft .NET Framework version 4.0
– Python: Version >= 3.6
– Unity: Unity 2018.4.x (LTS)

For Unix based operating systems
– OS: Ubuntu 18.04 (LTS) (tested), Other Debian based system are possible (untested)
– C++: Clang 6.0, gcc 7.4
– Python: Version >= 3.6

– Platform: x64
– CPUs: 6th to 10th generation Intel® Core™ and Xeon® Processors
– GPUs: Intel® Iris® Pro, Intel® HD Graphics 520, 530, 630
– VPUs: Intel® Movidius™ Neural Compute Stick, Intel® Neural Compute Stick 2
– 3D: 3D Supported Camera among others: Intel® RealSense™ D415 or D435, FRAMOS Depth Camera D435e

2. Windows. Installation and license activation.

  1. Download the installation package by clicking this link.
  2. Run the installer cubemos-SkeletonTracking_2.x.x.x.exe as an Administrator.
  3. Restart your machine.
  4. To activate the software for the first time run post_installation.bat script available in C:\Program Files\Cubemos\SkeletonTracking\scripts .
  5. In the opened file dialog enter the license key you acquired.
    The following steps take place automatically (a.,b.,c.,d.)
  • a. The post_installation.bat script generates the license file (cubemos_license.json)
    and copies it together with the neural network models and test-images to the cubemos folder

cubemos SkeletonTracking %LOCALAPPDATA% folder after post installation step

  • b. By setting up %LOCALAPPDATA% folder you can access the SkeletonTracking resources in
    the most flexible way without the need of permanent administrator permissions.
  • c. The activation is performed.
  • d. activation_key.json is saved in the license folder.
  • e. (Optionally) In the post_installation.bat script you can choose to generate a Visual Studio 2017
    Solution for the cubemos samples, this will copy the sample sources to C:\Users%USERNAME%\Cubemos-Samples.
  1. After installation, you are able to run C:\Program Files\Cubemos\SkeletonTracking\bin\csharp-image.exe successfully.

List of joint coordinates of example image after successful installation

During the Windows installation the following environment variable is created:

%CUBEMOS_SKEL_SDK% | C:\Program Files\Cubemos\SkeletonTracking

3. Linux. Installation and license activation.

  1. Download the installation package by clicking this link.
  2. Install cubemos-SkeletonTracking_2.x.x.x.deb as root using the following command:
sudo apt-get install ./cubemos-SkeletonTracking_*.deb
  1. Log out and log in again to make sure that all environment variables are loaded correctly.
  2. To activate the software for the first time run script from opt/cubemos/skeleton_tracking/scripts/ .
  3. In the command line dialog, enter your acquired license key.
  4. Then the following steps take place automatically (a., b., c., d.):
  • a. The script generates the license file (cubemos_license.json) and copies it, together with the neural network models and test-images, to /home/$USER/.cubemos/skeleton_tracking/

cubemos Skeleton Tracking home folder after post installation step

  • b. The activation is performed.
  • c. activation_key.json is saved in the license folder.
  • d. make files for the cubemos samples are generated and built into /home/$USER/cubemossamples/
  1. After installation, you should be able to run:
bash /opt/cubemos/skeleton_tracking/bin/cpp-image

List of joint coordinates of example image after successful installation

During the Linux installation the following environment variable is created:

$CUBEMOS_SKEL_SDK | /opt/cubemos/skeleton_tracking